

Early Childhood Schools

Early childhood school projects are among the most prominent educational projects that have undergone significant development in recent years in Saudi Arabia.

– What is early childhood education?

– What is important?

– What are the Kingdom’s plans and objectives in this area?

– What are the most prominent projects in this area?

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– Early childhood education is known as early education and refers to the formal education of young children by persons outside the family or in settings outside the home. Early childhood is the preschool age and is often five years in most States.

– The importance of this area:

– Improves the quality of education and increases students’ abilities.

– Optimal investment of resources and spaces in kindergarten and primary buildings.

– Expanding access to kindergartens.

– Developing talents and building personality in children.

– Work to strengthen the role of the teacher and raise his qualification and develop advanced educational curricula that develop the talents of students from an early stage and keep pace with the requirements of this era and are considered as a prelude to later advanced educational stages, especially in the fields of technology and science such as STEAM curricula.


The Kingdom’s Vision 2030 plan aims to reach the number of children’s schools distributed throughout the Kingdom as follows:

– Raising the enrolment rate in early childhood schools to 95% in 2030.

– The proportion of students whose teaching is expected to be assigned to female teachers is 90% in 2030. (currently 37.4% according to the latest statistical year 1443 Hijri).


Top current figures:

– 1460 early childhood schools.

– 3313 kindergarten classrooms.

– 3,483 classrooms for primary students.

– 82,825 total accommodation of the number of students in kindergartens.

The most important projects in this area according to the plans of the Ministry of Education:


– The establishment of a children’s television channel to support the directions of the Ministry of Education;


– Review and development of regulations and regulations for early childhood.


– Promotion and upgrading of early childhood education skills;


– Opening and construction of a group of schools (kindergartens – early childhood).


– Preparation of studies supporting initiatives and projects of the Public Administration for Early Childhood.


– Refinement of kindergarten learning environments using the “ICERS scale”.


– Personal safety programme to protect children from abuse in cooperation with “Aljvand” and “UNICEF”.


– Mother and Child Education Programme.


– Early developmental learning standards for kindergarten for the early age group (3-6 years) in Saudi Arabia.


– A specific project: a free grant from the Ministry of Education to study for target groups according to certain requirements and criteria; This facilitates students’ and their parents’ participation in community education institutions in the service and development of education.


– Virtual kindergarten: an application on smart devices stores that contains educational modules adapted to the Saudi curriculum in order to provide education to the largest number of children remotely.

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