the management of change

the management of change

+the management of change


So what is this model the management of change? What are its dimensions? We will also discuss how to assess the organization’s willingness to change by using it.


The ADKAR model, created by research firm Prosci in 1998, and the company’s founder Jeff Hiatt published a book in 2006 in which he explained the model by describing five pivotal stages of the strategic change process, the initial letters of five ADKAR words for the five phases, as follows:


Awareness of the importance of  Change.

Desire for Change.

Availability of knowledge and skills required to make  Change.

Ability to implement Change.

Ability to promote  change implemented Reinforcement.


Managers can use this model to follow up on their change processes in their organizations and companies and ensure that the objectives of the change and development process are achieved. They can also support subordinates to improve performance in the change process. In general, an Adkar model can be used in several areas, including:


Diagnosis of employees’ resistance to change.

Helping staff cope during the change process.

Develop a plan for subordinates to manage the change process.

Developing successful personal and professional action plans during the change process.


To learn more about the Prosci Foundation and about the form (ADKAR) and download all its details and files, you can visit the Foundation’s website:


To request ISO certification services and feasibility studies


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