marketing and sales

marketing and sales

How to develop marketing and sales


It is important for us as entrepreneurs and marketing managers to express ourselves by answering the question

Will marketing and promotion activities succeed in generating sustainable sales and profits if:

Poor quality product or service?

Business identity is weak?

The task force is weak?

Budget and pricing are not considered?


To request strategic analysis and performance assessment services and design and implement comprehensive development plans including marketing and sales development:



In fact, the combination and equation of marketing and promotion success is a very precise combination, any imbalance in the company’s operations divisions can cause domino effect.


That is, the fall of one stone will bring down all the stones as pictured.


We often hear:

– I invested thousands of riyals in marketing and did not succeed!


– I used social media and celebrities and paid hundreds of thousands, did not reach the public and did not make enough sales!


– Achieved excellent sales last year but poor sales this year and old customers do not repeat demand!


– Hundreds of quotations sent but very few contracted!

The answer to all the above lies in the importance of integrating marketing and sales with all the company’s departments, it is not enough to have a professional sales team but the factory or logistics team suffers from weaknesses and shortcomings!


It is not enough to invest hundreds of thousands propaganda and promotion but the product is not suitable for the market and its price is irrational!


Our smart and strategic mission is to help you with it but how?


– In the strategic task, through the Strategic Analysis Service, we allocate a team under the supervision of a competent consultant, who will form as a third party a tool to study and analyze the status and gaps of your project or your company through:


  1. Review and evaluate the administrative structure and organize sessions and meetings with departmental managers to evaluate performance and survey their views.


  1. As a neutral party and with the utmost transparency, the business processes and financial results of the past years will be evaluated in the light of sales and marketing activities used.


  1. Through those figures and by studying the resources and capabilities of the organization will be measured efficiency.


  1. With the completion of the gap analysis, weaknesses and strengths, the market study will begin.
  2. We analyze the target groups and give recommendations regarding the added value and competitive advantage that will develop the product or service.


  1. We review the pricing strategy and identify future sales objectives and design an integrated strategic development and marketing plan taking into account:


– Possible budget and solutions to its vulnerability.


– Production capacity.


  1. Contracting in the future for follow-up and evaluation through intermittent sessions with the aim of continuous improvement.

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